Notetaking & Collaboration

Scale Your Research Efforts with Centralized Notes and Collaboration

people around a desk looking at a computer people around a desk looking at a computer

Wasted time leads to missed insights and opportunities when analysts search for information in email inboxes, shared drives, and consumer-grade note-taking apps, or worse yet, recreating research due to intel that can’t be located.

Sentieo’s integrated Notebook provides a central, consistent environment for creating, organizing, and collaborating on research notes.

Read the Datasheet

Save Time

Capture and Organize Research Material

Sentieo’s integrated platform helps streamline workflows, eliminating the need for multiple tools and steps to conduct financial and corporate research.

  • Highlight, annotate, and tag your research to send it into your centralized Notebook
  • Easily pull highlights into private or team notes
  • Integrate research uploaded/synced from other sources
  • Link highlights back to source documents
  • Create, manage, and view notes with Sentieo mobile and tablet apps


Support Your Existing Workflows & Content

  • Get two-way sync with popular note-taking apps like Evernote
  • Save emails and Microsoft Office documents in your Notebook—manually or automatically
  • Upload existing content and notes from multiple platforms, including in-house systems
  • Share documents and notes seamlessly on popular collaboration apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams


Templates Customizable to Your Process

  • Add custom or pre-populated fields to save time and standardize research note structure and inputs
  • Customizable templates allow analysts flexibility in their personal note-taking while allowing teams to have standardized templates for formal theses/notes
  • Common templates cover theses, calls (earnings, sell-side, expert network), management meetings, competitive strategies


Eliminate Information Silos

  • Invite colleagues to view, comment on, and edit your notes
  • Stop emailing Word documents or spreadsheets back and forth

Stay Compliant

Sentieo’s Notebook Helps Teams Stay Compliant

Our centralized notebook simplifies data management, security, and compliance. User and editing rights help control content access, while an audit trail of changes and comments can be maintained for compliance reporting. And we can help ensure when a team member leaves, your intellectual property doesn’t walk out the door with them.

Customer Stories

“As a user of CapIQ for more than a decade, we replaced a database platform that simply aggregated information with one that supported the workflow of our research process. This has resulted in an enhanced collaboration that did not exist using CapIQ. The collaboration across the investment team that Sentieo has enabled became ever more instrumental to our process during the COVID-19 pandemic as we were required to work remotely.”

Eric Marshall (CFA)

Director of Research, Portfolio Manager

Ready to Experience how Sentieo can help boost productivity for your team? Request a demo.